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Service Details



Walls cleaned of dust, dirt, scuffs and any hand/finger smudges.
Ceilings dusted and cobwebs removed as needed.
Trim; baseboards, window and door frames, handrails, mantels and other woodwork.
Hinges cleaned of paint, mud, etc.
Interior masonry (brick, rock, marble, etc.) vacuumed and cleaned as needed.
Carpet vacuumed (main areas and edges).
Tile, wood, marble cleaned appropriately. (buffing, waxing, sealing not Incl.)
Windows; adhesives and over-spray removed. Glass, tracks and frames cleaned.
Light fixtures/ceiling fans and bulbs cleaned (not just dusted).
Electrical switches and outlets cleaned.
Floor vents removed and ducts vacuumed as deep as possible (up to 3').
Cabinets cleaned inside and out.
All shelving vacuumed, dusted and cleaned of smudges.
Drawers vacuumed and dusted. 
Vacuum under bottom drawers and shelves.
Doors cleaned front and back, tops and sides.
Tops of cabinets vacuumed and dusted.
Sinks, faucets, tubs and showers cleaned of excess adhesives and other debris.
Toilets Cleaned
Mirrors, shower doors and other glass cleaned.
Stickers removed from toilets, tubs and sinks.



Prepare for framing for cement.
Mix and pour cement
Put up siding
Put up drywall
Put in flooring
Put in porches and grounds
Build other items as required
Perform carpentry and other related services



All main doors will have new knob lock, (or desired lock tye).
Interior door locks replaced upon request.
Exterior of doors cleaned.
Main entry, porch and garage entry vacuumed & dusted.
Thresholds cleaned.
Exterior lights cleaned & stickers removed



Follow blueprints or specifications

Remove any old or broken glass before installing replacement glass

Make or install sashes or moldings for glass installation

Fasten glass into sashes or frames with clips, moldings, or other types of fasteners

Add weather seal or putty around pane edges to seal joints


Winterization is important for many homes in North America because the colder conditions that winter brings can wreak havoc on our plumbing systems. Certain precautions need to be taken to keep plumbing safe in cold climates, and that means professional winterization services for homes in the Cincinnati, Ohio area is important, saves money, and gives peace of mind. Winterization is something that many older homes require. It is important to protect cold areas from freezing such as crawlspaces, some basements, or exterior walls with poor installation. Homes that will not be occupied over the winter such as vacant rental properties or homes that are for sale need winterization if they are in our area; vacation homes that are not in use during the winter need this service as well.

One of the main risks for homes that are not properly winterized is the freezing and bursting of pipes. When water freezes in a pipe, particularly in a pipe under pressure, there is the chance that it could burst. Beyond flooding, major property damage and structural issues could ensue.



INFORMATION COMING SOON! contact us today for quick details 

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